Muggle Quidditch

The extreme sport where Seeker's on both teams fight to find the Golden Snitch first, while other team members fight to score as many goals as possible. This game can get quite demanding, and is not for the faint of heart.
Still interested? bring a broom stick and join in on the fun!

The Different Player Positions

Learn about the positions, and decide which one suits you best!
Remember this game does get quite physical,
be prepared to get dirty.

  • About Chasers

    There are 3 chasers working together to shoot as many goals as possible

  • About Beaters

    Two beaters work in defending and stopping the opposite teams chasers

  • About Keepers

    Want to be a goal keeper? Read more here about the experience

  • About Seekers

    The biggest responsibility falls in the hands of the seeker, learn about the responsibitly?

Our Gallery

Images below display how a match of 'Muggle Quidditch' looks.
We also have images on the different types of game balls and how the snitch is represented in the games.

Learn More From Players Themselves!

Click here to discover our best record statistics

Sahar Zekaria

Hear about Sahar’s story and how she decided to challenge herself and take the position of 'Seeker', without any prior experience in the extreme sport.

Kristine Lawrence

Learn about Kristine’s story and how she decided to challenge herself with the position of 'Keeper'. A position which she never thought see would love.

Julian Brown

Hear about Julian's amazing experience with the position of 'Chaser', and how without even having any prior experience in the sport, he quickly became a champion.

Learn more from our creators and founders

Both Megan and Monir founded 'Muggle Quidditch' in 2002.

After watching the Harry Potter films, I fell in love with the concept of Quidditch and realised it was definetly needed in the 'Muggle' world. Though the sport is very extreme at times, it is very popular and we are continually growing.
Megan Ferozmand
Entrepreneur and CEO
After discovering Harry Potter, I realised sport can be both extreme and entertaining. My goal is to bring 'Muggle Quidditch' to the Olympics, so it can reach an even larger audience of keen people.
Monir Ferozmand
Entrepreneur and CFO
Learn more about Megan and Monir’s goals for the future of 'Muggle Quidditch'